Product Support & FAQ


How do I contact client support? 

Please contact our support team at with some context about the issue.

What types of issues can I contact support for?

Our support team is here to assist with any issues you encounter while using our technology platform including technical difficulties, account-related questions, and feature inquiries.

How quickly can I expect a response from client support?

Our goal is to respond to all client inquiries within two hours during regular business hours. Response times may vary, but we strive to provide timely assistance.

Are there additional support resources?

Yes, in addition to our website, please see our YouTube page for some helpful and informative videos.

Can I provide feedback or suggest new features? 

Absolutely! We welcome your feedback and suggestions. You can submit your ideas through our feedback form here or contact our support team directly.  

Can I get personalized training for myself or my team?

Yes, we offer personalized training sessions for teams. Please contact our support team to schedule a training session tailored to your specific needs.


What is HomeDashboard?

HomeDashboard is a client engagement platform for mortgage brokerages in partnership with Realfinity. It offers customized property data and financial products, empowering homeowners and homebuyers to make informed decisions, maximize their real estate investments, and build lasting wealth throughout their homeownership journey.

Why do I need HomeDashboard?

HomeDashboard serves as the central platform that seamlessly integrates with all other essential mortgage technology for the efficient operation of your mortgage brokerage. It functions as the primary tool for tasks such as comparing mortgage rates for your clients, selecting and pricing loans, and initiating the loan application process for borrowers. Furthermore, it empowers your homeowners and homebuyers with property data and finance options to build wealth. HomeDashboard is a win-win platform where everyone benefits from instant information and consistent communication at every critical point of homeownership.

Is there a mobile app I can download to my phone?

Not currently. HomeDashboard is a fully responsive web application that runs awesome on all devices with no downloads required.

I have 1,000 new leads to add to HomeDashboard, how do I do that?

One at a time…Just kidding! You have three ways of uploading new clients: use the API, via bulk upload or manually. Also feel free to contact support at and we will take care of bulk uploading your list.

How do I know if my clients are engaged on the platform?

Every day you receive a daily activity report from HomeDashboard showing what clients are engaged and what specific items they are interested in. HomeDashboard is tracking every click taken and delivers it right back to you.

How often are emails sent to homeowners and homebuyers?

After the initial welcome email clients receive a HomeDashboard update email on a monthly basis. You also have the option to manually trigger a HomeDashboard report to your clients, in case you feel like it or if they have requested it.

Can I add a client myself?

You can add both homeowner and homebuyer clients to HomeDashboard using the “Add Client” button in the Clients page.

How can I invite new homeowners or homebuyers to join me on HomeDashboard?

You can share your personal Client Self-Registration Link (CSR) and anyone will be able to register for HomeDashboard with you being the host/co-branded. All you need to do is access your custom invite link in your HomeDashboard profile and send it to your new client. They will have easy access to creating their account and are immediately attached to you.

What is RealOwner?

RealOwner is the HomeDashboard experience for homeowners. It guides them in managing their equity and finance options to build wealth through easy and instant access to updated property data. Homeowners can view mortgage details, home value, and potential mortgage products, as well as access finance education. It rocks!

What is RealBuyer?

RealBuyer is the HomeDashboard experience for homebuyers. It empowers them with data backed tools to make informed purchasing decisions. Homebuyers can easily add properties of interest and compare data on estimated value, sales history, neighborhoods, and property taxes. Completing a buyer profile offers instant finance options for a seamless home purchase.